Students in the Spanish Programme have, for a long time, enjoyed opportunities for experiential learning in the form of internships at institutions and companies where Spanish is used as a language of communication. These experiences were organized on an ad hoc basis until 2008, however, there are now institutionalized agreements between SMLC and public and private partners. A new internship capstone course, introduced in 2018, is one of the most innovative contributions to curriculum development within the Spanish Programme.
Our main internship partners are consulates, other governmental offices, and chambers of commerce of the Hispanic world located in Hong Kong. We also have a number of private companies located both in Hong Kong and Latin America.
For further information please send an email to
Interns at the Consulate General of the Republic of Peru. Year 2016-17.

Intern at the Consulate General of the Argentine Republic. Year 2020-2021.

Intern at Anecoop, European leaders in the marketing of fruit, vegetables, and salad stuffs. Year 2020-2021.

Intern at the CW CPA professional advisory firm. Year 2020-2021.